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When you buy a set, you get a discount!

I think we all know what happens when you “buy in bulk”, you save big money. Our design sets are no different, when you buy more your cost goes down. Sometimes the cost goes down so much you end up only paying a few dollars per design, and that’s better than the Smart Buys!

Will the designs in the set work on my system?

All of the design sets include pattern files for each system, so the download size is expectedly larger than that of individual designs. This means though, that these sets include patterns for Statler Stitcher, IntelliQuilter, Pro Stitcher, and many other big name computerized longarm quilting systems.

I know that many of these sets were packaged before the introduction of a few of the newest quilt formats like GPF, MQR, and Q BOT. If you use a system that uses these files and they are not in your zipped folder, then please send us an email and we will make sure to update the design files for you.

*All of the sets listed above are digitized quilting designs and are sold as downloads only.